Six-year-old Amber Empson raised close to $200 - half of which will go to the Clinton Food bank - at her lemonade stand Sunday. (Submitted photo)

Clinton youngster raises funds for food bank

Six-year-old hosts lemonade stand at market

  • Sep. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Amber Empson is a girl who knows what she wants.

All summer long, according to her mom Shannon, the six-year-old Clinton resident has wanted to host a lemonade stand.

“When I asked her what she wanted to do with the money, right away she said the Clinton Food Bank. We always donate at Christmas,” Shannon explained. “So she decided to give 50 per cent to the food bank and the other half would be saved for her education.”

Amber helped to build and paint the wooden stand and was booked into a spot Sunday at Hunnie’s Market, where she sold $189.50 worth of lemonade and cookies. She is happy to be helping out the food bank and especially excited to have some funds to go towards her plans to become an engineer.

She already spends lots of time building Lego and creating crafts and toys from recycled materials.

“I like to make things out of cardboard boxes that aren’t being used anymore,” Amber said.

And if engineering doesn’t pan out, Amber has a backup plan in the works.

“My other dream is to be in the Olympics for rock climbing,” she said.

The youngster hopes to have another lemonade stand before summer is over and said the highlight of her day-long business venture was “seeing my friends.”

The community response, according to Shannon, was “very generous” with many customers leaving hefty tips.

“We’d really like to thank the community, everybody was really generous and supportive,” she said.

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