Clothing drive benefits Fraser-Cascade schools

Each school is paid by the pound for their collection

Rhylln Heitsman, a Grade 7 student at Silver Creek Elementary, passes a bag of clothes to Eric Hammer of Trans-Continental Textile Recycling Ltd., who was in town on Wednesday morning to pick up the donated items from a school district-wide clothing drive.

Rhylln Heitsman, a Grade 7 student at Silver Creek Elementary, passes a bag of clothes to Eric Hammer of Trans-Continental Textile Recycling Ltd., who was in town on Wednesday morning to pick up the donated items from a school district-wide clothing drive.

A local parent has spearheaded a fundraiser that is having a positive impact locally and abroad.

For the past month, Anna Gladue has been working with schools throughout the Fraser-Cascade school district to collect bags of clothing, towels, linens, shoes and textiles. All the items will be turned into rags or if usable packed into containers and shipped to Third World countries with the help of Trans-Continental Textile Recycling Ltd. in Surrey.

“Most fundraisers rely on parents to be giving out money. This particular fundraiser is different in that there’s no socio-economic barriers,” said Gladue.

“In addition to that, we’re recycling and teaching the kids about worldwide uses and looking at the big picture. The money itself is then used locally in the schools. It’s a great fundraiser on so many levels.”

The donations in Hope were picked up on Wednesday morning by the textile company, filling a five-ton truck. Just under 700 bags of clothing, weighing about 15 pounds each, were collected from the local schools, with Boston Bar Elementary Secondary School generating the most at 191 bags.

Each school will be paid by the pound for their collection, with all funds going towards school initiatives. Gladue said they’ll receive on average $3.50 per bag of clothing.

The donations from schools in Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs are being collected today (Thursday).

Hope Standard