Clovechok issues statement on bench lands

A municipal issue, not a provincial one, MLA says

Doug Clovechok is MLA for Columbia River Revelstoke.

Doug Clovechok is MLA for Columbia River Revelstoke.

The campaign to have the bench lands above Marysville designated recreational in the upcoming Official Community Plan is still ongoing, and some community members opposed to the industrial designation for the lands have reached out to MLA Doug Clovechok.

So many, in fact, that Clovechok has issued a statement on the issue, explaining that while he is always glad to hear from constituents, the bench lands do not fall under his provincial role.

“We have been receiving a great amount of correspondence over the last few months, regarding the development proposal of the Marysville Benchland,” the statement says.

“I am acutely aware of this issue and the concerns that have been voiced. I have read the emails and reviewed all of the notes from each office visit. As always, I welcome your comments and feedback on all matters in the Columbia River – Revelstoke riding, and Province of BC. It is, however, my duty to follow protocol and procedure.

“We all must respect the role of your democratically elected officials from the appropriate level of government to make certain decisions based on their level of jurisdiction.

“I have, without exception, openly maintained that this matter is not one that qualifies for intervention from my office, as it is a municipal matter, not a provincial matter.

“As is the case with any inquiry, it is the role of our office to determine whether the issue falls within the scope of our governance. If this is not the case, then our job is to refer you to the appropriate party. In the case of the proposed Marysville Benchland development, that party is the City of Kimberley.

“Again, thank you for your level of engagement and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with your issues of concern.”

There are still public hearings ahead before official adoption of the updated OCP. Those hearings will likely be in Frebruary, although the dates have not yet been announced.

Kimberley Daily Bulletin