Protesters at the B.C. Legislature on Tuesday, Black Press file.

Protesters at the B.C. Legislature on Tuesday, Black Press file.

Clovechok says protests at legislature well funded and organized

On Tuesday, February 11, as MLAs convened in the legislature for the Throne Speech they were met by protesters.

On Tuesday, February 11, as MLAs convened in the legislature for the Throne Speech they were met by protesters.

The protesters were blocking all entrances to the legislature trying to prevent MLAs, staff and media from entering the building.

READ: B.C. legislature pipeline protest camp disrupts throne speech ceremonies

It was, says Doug Clovechok, MLA for Columbia River Revelstoke, quite an experience.

“It took a police escort to get in,” he said, speaking to the Bulletin from Victoria. “There was swearing and name calling, pushing and shoving. I just kept my head down and didn’t engage. A few staffers got hurt. What are people thinking?”

Clovechok says he wasn’t personally afraid, but said many found the experience unnerving.

“It was incredibly intimidating, especially for many of our female colleagues, not that they aren’t most capable, but it’s wrong when people can’t feel safe. This shouldn’t be happening.”

In Clovechok’s opinion, the protests are not organic, but well funded and organized.

carolyn.grant@kimberleybulletin.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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