There was a cluster of COVID-19 cases at Pleasant Valley Elementary School last week. The school is located at the old Rutherford school site this year as Pleasant Valley school receives seismic upgrades. (News Bulletin file photo)

Cluster of COVID-19 cases reported at Nanaimo’s Pleasant Valley school

Exposure dates were Sept. 20-22 at the school, located this year at the old Rutherford school site

  • Sep. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

There were a cluster of COVID-19 cases at a Nanaimo school last week.

Island Health is reporting two or more related cases at Pleasant Valley Elementary School, with exposure dates from Sept. 20-22.

A cluster is defined as two or more positive cases of COVID-19 among students or staff, with transmission of the virus believed to have happened at the school.

Health authorities are reporting only clusters or outbreaks at schools this year in accordance with new provincial health guidelines. Last school year, single-case exposures were publicly reported in addition to clusters and outbreaks.

According to Island Health, public health teams work with schools to identify any students or staff who may have been exposed to COVID-19.

“Those identified as cases will be instructed to self-isolate directly by our public health teams,” the health authority notes on its website. “Those identified as close contacts may be asked to self-isolate or closely self-monitor for symptoms for a specified period.”

Families that have not been contacted by public health should continue to send children to school as long as they do not experience any symptoms.

This year, due to seismic upgrades at Pleasant Valley, the school is located at the old Rutherford school site on Hammond Bay Road.

READ ALSO: Schools can learn from Vancouver Island COVID-19 rapid response, says team lead

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