College of New Caledonia (CNC) has launched their strategic plan for 2021-2026, called lhulh whuts’odutel’eh – Learning Together.
“This plan will help CNC into a future of new and responsive learning opportunities to meet the demands of an evolving economy,” said CNC Board Chair Gil Malfair.
Last week, CNC issued a news release announcing its strategic plan, at the core of which is CNC’s vision of learning together, changing lives, creating futures. The translation from Dakelh (Lheidli dialect) reads: lhulh whuts’odutel’eh (we will learn together), lhk’enazdulkat (we change ourselves), nus ‘uztelelh (we will create the future).
The plan was achieved through a year of engagement including hundreds of contributions, dozens of COVID-safe meetings, and open forums across the region CNC serves.
“Students have a wide range of choices, and career and educational needs continue to advance,” said CNC President and CEO Dr. Dennis Johnson. “Those we serve are expecting more of us. It is our job to position CNC for new challenges and opportunities and ensure the students who entrust us with their learning receive the best possible experience.”
The plan focuses on four main goals: learning across a lifetime, student success focused education and training, organizational strength and agility, and community engagement and partnerships.
The release also said that the college’s plans, practices, and programming will reflect the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, and the B.C. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act.
CNC plans to work to respond more effectively to community needs, and engage alumni.
“In many organizations strategic plans often start with great expectations but may lose momentum. It’s our objective to make this plan part of the fabric of CNC. We will use it as a guide in making decisions and setting priorities. We will develop cascading plans and regularly report on our progress in meeting these goals,” said Dr. Johnson.
Community engagement on lhulh whuts’odutel’eh – Learning Together is expected to continue for the next five years. CNC will communicate annual goals, objectives, and progress to all the communities it serves. The college will also seek further input and feedback as the plan is implemented so it can respond to the changing needs of internal and external communities and adjust when necessary.
To read CNC’s 2021-2026 strategic plan: lhulh whuts’odutel’eh – Learning Together, visit