Co-ops bring our dollars home

Mill Bay/Cobble Hill – Re: Big Idea No. 1 from Rob Douglas and Roger Hart.

As a 39-year member of credit unions, the Co-Op gas, and a believer in the cooperative movement, I fully support their Big Idea. To have our CVRD support new initiatives in co-ops here in the Cowichan is visionary.

The system of commerce we find ourselves in today has been hijacked by government corruption paid for with corporate greed from the federal to the local. To level the playing field we need to bring our dollars home to local businesses that will create jobs and security in food, housing, education, transportation, and health care.

Exporting our natural resources allows other countries to profit as we become poorer in spirit as well as in our physical lives. Controlling what we bring to the world builds our community and strengthens the future for our children and their children.

Dirk Ouellette Mill Bay/Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen