Coast Mountain College president Justin Kohlman, in the middle and flanked by college board vice chair David Try and college board chair Nicole Halbauer is off to a job in Alberta. (Coast Mountain College Photo)

Coast Mountain College president leaving Terrace

Justin Kohlman is off to Alberta

Justin Kohlman is leaving his job as president of Coast Mountain College for a similar position as the president and chief executive officer of Grande Prairie Regional College in Grande Prairie, Alberta.

Kohlman was just appointed to Coast Mountain’s top job in February 2020 after about four years as its vice-president in charge of academic and other affairs.

He finishes at the college here in early November and begins his new position Nov. 15 on a five-year contract.

Originally from Saskatchewan, Kohlman has worked at BCIT, at the University of Victoria and overseas at Monash University in Australia.

The trades building at Coast Mountain was extensively renovated and the college changed its name from Northwest Community College during Kohlman’s time in at the college.

Now underway is a major renovation of the college’s main administrative and teaching building and older student housing is being replaced by a substantial modular housing development.

Terrace Standard