A photo from the 2020 Coldest Night of the Year walk. Photo credit: Bitty Berlinghoff.

‘Coldest Night of the Year’ fundraising for vulnerable population in Mission

Walk event organized by Mission Youth House and Mission Hope Central

  • Jan. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

On Feb. 20, Missionites will join together for the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser to raise money for charities helping the most vulnerable in the community.

The event, organized by Mission Youth House and Mission Hope Central, will have groups and teams from the same COVID-19-safe bubbles map out a two-to-five kilometre route, and pledge funds towards the cause.

Adults who raise over $150, and children (17 and under) who raise over $75 will receive a free event toque. The pick up times for the toques are Feb. 16 and 18, from 4 to 6 p.m. The pick-up location has yet to be announced.

Twenty one days out, there are 46 walkers signed up and eight teams. Collectively they have raise $4,575 of their $30,000 goal.

The top fundraising team so far is the District of Mission and Friends, who have donated $1,655; the largest individual fundraiser is Judi Holt, who has raised $1,130.

Those wishing to get involved can call 519-603-2250, email info@cnoy.org, and sign up through the fundraiser Fundhub.

Mission Youth House provides a place of refuge for vulnerable youth in the community to eat, shower, do laundry, access medical and other services. It’s run by a cooperative of various organizations and volunteers.

Mission Hope Central helps individuals struggling with poverty by providing meals and support to adults and families. It aims to build relationships with those feeling disenfranchised and to provide relief to meet short-term needs, but is also expanding its programs to include longer-term personal development.

PHOTOS: Coldest Night of the Year in Mission

Mission City Record