Coldest Night of the Year in support of LRCA this Saturday

Coldest Night of the Year in support of LRCA this Saturday

Family-friendly event has 2 km, 5 km and 10 km routes

Just four days before the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk for the Ladysmith Resources Centre and over 15 teams have already registered, including more than 100 individuals..

On Feb. 24th community members will walk for hungry, homeless and hurting people in our community.

You can make a difference by walking, volunteering at the event, or pledging a walker.

The event starts from Aggie Hall and route options include a 2 km, 5 km or 10 km walk (two laps of the 5 km course).

You raise pledges, you walk, and the LRCA feeds you, and there’s a lot of fun along the way too. Plus, you get a sweet new toque.

Rest stops will be available on all routes.

Maps will be available at the Welcome Desk. All routes will be well signed.

Route marshalls, rest stop attendants, and sweep vehicle drivers will be available for support along the route.

Good walking waterproof shoes/boots, a warm coat and mitts as well as a headlamp or flashlight are recommended. All walkers 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times

Please visit for more information and to register.

Ladysmith Chronicle