Coldstream denies fee waiver

The district has denied fee waiver requests for soccer and T-ball/baseball at Centennial Park in Lavington.

A pitch to get more kids in the game has been sidelined in Coldstream.

The district has denied fee waiver requests for soccer and T-ball/baseball at Centennial Park in Lavington.

Council was approached to help encourage participation in the community by not charging field rentals for the sports.

“Sometimes living in Lavington, as beautiful as it is, means that our local children miss out on the many activities that Vernon offers,” said Julie Kentel, Lavington Recreation. “Working parents don’t always have the time to get home from work and then drive their kids to Vernon in time for programs. Lavington Recreation is working to provide local activities for children to participate in, at a reasonable fee.”

But the majority of council decided that consistent treatment of all user groups is needed, as well as the revenue to assist in maintenance.

“The major disadvantage is that the district loses out on park fee revenues that could help offset the operations and maintenance costs of providing the park service,” said Trevor Seibel, Coldstream’s chief administrative officer, in his report.

For soccer, the current field rental rate is $11.86 per hour, per field and for baseball it is $12.16 per hour, per field.

“The value of the fee waiver request for the proposed T-ball program is estimated to be $437.76,” said Seibel. “The soccer program fee waiver value is either $320.22 or $640.44 depending on whether one or two fields are used.”

Coun. Richard Enns attempted twice to sway his colleagues into waiving the fees.

“The cost to us is small,” he said.

“I think that we would be providing a very good service.”

Meanwhile a case for regional sports was made.

“The whole concept is to make sure we don’t have all these little factions,” said Coun. Peter McClean. “You’re diluting the pot by spreading them out.”

Both sports can continue to use the fields free of charge by just showing up and playing, but renting and booking the fields ensures the space is not booked for any other functions or activities.

It was advised that if Lavington Recreation has a problem with the decision that they could come make a presentation to council for consideration.


Vernon Morning Star