Coldstream Lumber ready to resume work

Coldstream Lumber will be back in operation Monday, less than a week after the major fire at the mill

Coldstream Lumber will be back in operation  Monday, less than a week after the major fire at the mill.

“The fire out at our plant which destroyed  both of our kilns reminds us that anything can happen at any time despite all precautions,” said Johnal Lee, Coldstream Lumber president.

Investigations into the blaze recently revealed that the cause of the fire was electrical.

“Contrary to some reports, our kilns were inspected and found to be up to code on July 16 by the BC Safety Authority,” said Lee. “Our new procedures for fire safety had recently been updated and sent to the Coldstream Fire Department.

“It is our belief that those new procedures along with an extremely skilled fire department saved lives and the rest of our mill.”

Lee says the mill has been able to use the downtime to pave the yard before full operations begin Monday for the 40 employees.

Alternate kiln drying arrangements will be made and Lee says the unfortunate disaster will not affect production.

Coldstream Fire Chief Shane Code confirms that the mill was proactive and had even recently been in contact with him reviewing their fire safety plan.

“I am encouraged that the mill was recently inspected by the BC Safety Federation and was checked for a variety of hazards with nothing found.”

Code applauds these efforts as well as those of staff on scene that day.

“We could not have handled this fire as well as we did without the direct help and support of the mill staff. I certainly hope that the mill gets back on its feet and rebounds from this event, and moves forward as the sustainable and productive Coldstream business they’ve been for the last 65 years.”


Vernon Morning Star