The Coldstream Women's Institute Hall will need replacing sometime in the future and the district is looking at taxation as a way to raise the necessary funds.

The Coldstream Women's Institute Hall will need replacing sometime in the future and the district is looking at taxation as a way to raise the necessary funds.

Coldstream Women’s Institute hall replacement considered

Coldstream is looking at increasing property taxes in 2017 by 1.5 to two per cent towards replacing the hall

Plans to build a new Women’s Institute Hall could cost taxpayers.

Coldstream is looking at increasing property taxes in 2017 by 1.5 to two per cent towards replacing the hall.

“We’re going to discuss it at budget time,” said Coun. Pat Cochrane. “The hall will be rebuilt, it’s just a matter of when.”

Mandatory sewer hookup considered

Pressure is building to force some Coldstream residents onto sewer.

Mandatory hookup to sanitary sewer is being looked at for property owners adjacent to the trunk line from McClounie Road, along Kalamalka Road and to Mackie Drive.

The line and extensions onto properties were put in about 10 years ago with the development of Coldstream Meadows.

While some owners have hooked up, not everyone is using the service.

“It hasn’t been a significant number on an annual basis,” said Trevor Seibel, Coldstream’s chief administrative officer.

Staff will do some research and bring a report back to council on what a possible mandatory hookup plan might look like.

Coun. Glen Taylor was one of the first residents to hook on and says the cost could be what’s stopping residents.

“I think I paid $900 for the machine and the pipe was $300,” said Taylor, who did much of the work himself.

The district will also examine future extensions of sewer, such as Shamanski, Rendell and Paisley drives.


Vernon Morning Star