Coldstream’s town centre plans taking shape

Rezoning is being looked at for three properties on Kalamalka Road

Plans are developing for a town centre in Coldstream.

Rezoning is being looked at for three properties on Kalamalka Road (across from Coldstream Elementary) from residential to the new town centre mixed use commercial zone.

The rezoning will allow for developers to come in and set up shop in Coldstream. Along with creating a town centre area, developers will be required to follow a certain standard on the frontages of properties.

“What’s happened in front of the school is the whole idea for this whole area,” said Trevor Seibel, chief administrative officer.

Along with uniform sidewalks, light standards and trees, plans call for underground servicing.

“The servicing standards are a challenge,” said Craig Broderick, realtor representing the three property owners. “Underground hydro, as everybody knows, is expensive.”

Coun. Richard Enns adds: “Those kinds of restrictions are going to reduce the possibilities of development.”

Another solution, Broderick suggested, is having aerial hydro in the back of the property.

Coldstream is going to further discuss the idea before a public hearing is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 26.

“We’ve seen what’s happened to Trintec, we’re 20 years down the road and nothing’s happened,” said Coun. Peter McClean, who is concerned about piecing development together.

“We should know where we’re going and how we’re going to get there before we take off.”

Meanwhile Coun. Pat Cochrane believes Coldstream should stick with the current requirements.

“Once we re-do the zoning, the public has kind of lost its say.”

He also used the Trintec development as an example.

“Coldstream bent over backwards trying to make this work at every opportunity and here we are now with a bare area of land.”


Vernon Morning Star