Columbia Avenue blasting could start Thursday in Rossland

The Columbia Avenue project hit bedrock this week during the excavation and will have to blast it away later this week.

Blasting will likely start Thursday on Columbia Avenue in Rossland. The blasting comes as a result of hitting, visible in the excavated zone in the photo.

Blasting will likely start Thursday on Columbia Avenue in Rossland. The blasting comes as a result of hitting, visible in the excavated zone in the photo.

Despite construction, Rossland is still open for business and the city has cleared space for new parking spots to replace the ones that have been dug up on Columbia Avenue.

The project hit bedrock this week during the excavation and will have to blast it away later this week.

Mark Martin, from Meka Construction Services said that the blasting is necessary. Martin went around Rossland doing pre-blast inspections of nearby buildings, including the Rossland Newsoffice, Monday.

The pre-blast survey is a inspection of the inside and outside of buildings to document existing cracks and blemishes in siding, foundation, cement, gyproc and finishing in the building.

KC Drilling and Blasting limited will be doing the blasting work, which Martin said is very precise. The pre-blast survey is a requirement of the blaster’s insurances policy.

The blasts will also be monitored by seismic equipment which will measure the magnitude and volume (loudness) of the blast.


Rossland News