Columbia Basin Trust cash helps wide range of groups

Columbia Basin Trust handed out a total of $102,132 earmarked for Trail.

The circle won’t be unbroken at the Trail Curling Club.

Last week, the club received $15,000 from the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) through the community initiative program to complete a kitchen renovation and make the facility fully operational by installing a fire suppression system.

Hanging upon a decision by Trail city council, the club was desperate for the funds, said TCC past president Sandra Stajduhar.

“We never would have been able to raise that much extra,” she said.

One reason is, without the fire suppression system, the club would not have been legally able to operate the kitchen at events and bonspiels, thus nullifying the principal source of revenue that is put back into the club. With the B.C. Senior Bonspiel coming in February, 2013 — and numerous other in-house bonspiels for its over 200 members — the club had high hopes council would see the merit of the project.

A week ago council fielded requests from 45 groups vying for a total of $102,132 in CBT money earmarked for Trail, with $285,269 in total requests coming from community groups and non-profit organizations for the 2012/13 year.

The CBT Community Initiatives Program funds activities the city deems important and supports projects that might not otherwise have been undertaken.

The villages of Fruitvale, Montrose and Warfield all received $30,000 for the current year — including some previous years’ unallocated amounts — with Area A and Area B also being handed $30,000.

Rossland received $44,770, with $1,490 in unallocated money, and the Beaver Valley picked up $90,000, with $2,249.86 from previous years added in.

The program is funded by the CBT and is administered by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) for the Greater Trail area, with $302,071.86 allocated to the entire region.

Confirmation of the funding is subject to final approval by the board of directors of the RDKB.

Other CBT recipients included:

• Trail Curling Association, $15,000, kitchen fire suppression system

• Kootenay Boundary Health Foundation, $10,000, digital mammography campaign

• Lower Columbia Community Dev. Team, $10,000, River Reconnect Mural Lighting Project

• The Columbia Youth Development Centre, $10,000, urban all wheel park

• All the Way Home Chaplaincy Society, $7,500, van purchase

• Kootenay Columbia Trails Society, $5,000, Sunningdale link trail

• Career Development Services, $4,000, West Kootenay youth and adult woodshop

• Senior Citizens Association, Trail Branch 47, $3,132, kitchen renovation

• South Columbia Search and Rescue Society, $3,000, training, equipment and hall upgrading

• Greater Trail Community Justice Program, $2,500, volunteer facilitator training

• St. Andrews Anglican Church, $2,000, basement washroom renovation

• Trail Regional BCSPCA, $2,000, spay and neuter initiative

• Trail Italico Recreation Society, $2,000, bocce facility upgrades

• Trail Pipe Band, $2,000, drum replacement project

• Scouts Canada — Camp Tweedsmuir, $1,750, roof replacement and program equipment

• Black Jack Cross Country Ski Club, $1,500, maintenance and improvement program

• Greater Trail Creative Activities Centre, $1,500, VISAC Gallery upgrade

• Trail Family and Individual Resource Centre, $1,500, toy and resource lending library upgrade

• Trail Youth Baseball, $1,500, equipment and park improvement project

• Canadian Red Cross, $1,400, health equipment loan program

• Greater Trail Community Skills Centre, $1,000, Rivers Day clean-up event coordination

• Health Arts Society, $1,000, Arts Way Program

• Red Mountain Racers, $1,000, equipment and club infrastructure Project

• Rossland & District Search & Rescue, $2,500, emergency response vehicle equipment

• Trail Curling Association, $1,000, Youth Curling Club

• Trail Gymnastics Club Society, $1,000, FIG 132 P Series vault table

• West Kootenay Brain Injury Association, $1,000, clubhouse members support project

• Trail & District Community Arts Council, $850, concession program

• Trail Skating Club Society, $750, club improvement and development

• Kootenay Cinch & Saddle 4-H Club, $600, Armstrong 4-H Stock Show

• Kootenay Columbia Trails Society, $600, website and online membership function

• Back Country Horsemen Society of BC, $500, signage for trails

• BC Amateur Softball, $500, National Coaching Certification Program

• Kootenay Columbia Educational Heritage, $500, SD20 Educational Archives Project


• Rossland Gold Fever Follies, $500, script writers and musical score writers

• Societa Cristoforo Colombo Lodge, $500, archives collection policy project

• St. John Ambulance/BC and Yukon, $500, emergency response jump bag

• Trail United Church/Communities in Faith, $300, sewing machine replacement

• West Kootenay Women’s Association, $250, gender action project

Trail Daily Times