Columbia update: Sidewalk pouring continues this week

The concrete curbs and swales on Columbia Avenue will be completed this week.

  • Sep. 12, 2012 2:00 p.m.

The concrete curbs and swales on Columbia Avenue will be completed this week. Sidewalks will continue to be poured and it is projected that sidewalks on Columbia Ave. will be finished by the week of Sept. 17, weather permitting.

The Project Communications Task Force recently asked a representative of ISL to explain how the new sidewalks’ design will help to withstand the wear and tear of Rossland weather, improve drainage and prevent cracking.

The response was that the forming for concrete beneath the paving stones is specifically designed to prevent the differential settlement of the pavers over time.

Cracking due to freezing is mitigated through proper grading of the sub-grade before placement of the granular material, so that sub-surface water will not collect below the concrete sidewalks and freeze.

The additional joints in the concrete will also control the direction of potential cracks and mitigate cross-cracking.

Although cracking of concrete cannot be completely prevented, the design currently being used in our new construction has proven to be a definite improvement over time.

This approach to concrete sidewalks has been constructed in similar climates throughout B.C. and Alberta with great success.

The Washington Street water main is now in service and all service connections are finished. The entire new water system of the downtown project is now on-line.

Sewer excavation is now taking place on Washington and projected to be done by week’s end.

Storm lines will be next, and then Washington Street curb and sidewalk will follow shortly thereafter.

The Rossland Chamber of Commerce, Rossland City Council, and the Columbia-Washington Project Communications Task Force will be working with other community organizations to organize a big celebration upon the project’s completion.

The tentative date is set for the weekend of Oct. 20.

There will also be a post-construction meeting with the business community planned, tentatively, for the week of Oct. 8.

Please feel free to contact us at if you think you have a great idea to help celebrate the ‘grand opening’ of the new Rossland.

Mayor Granstrom will be holding weekly office hours, welcoming drop-in visits to him at Rossland City Hall from 10:30-11:30 a.m. every Monday.

To see graphics portraying the end-goal of this construction project, please take a look at the video display in the window of Rossland Hardware, or watch them on the City of Rossland website at

Please contact us at with your comments, concerns, ideas, or questions.

The telephone number for technical questions and concerns is 250-362-2328.

Your Columbia Project Communication Task Force


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