Combatting yellow flag iris

Left: Thompson Rivers University researcher uses old conveyor belting to control yellow flag iris next to Dutch Lake

Dr. Catherine Tarasoff shows how barriers she made of used conveyor belting a year ago created a bare patch.

Dr. Catherine Tarasoff shows how barriers she made of used conveyor belting a year ago created a bare patch.

Thompson Rivers University researcher Dr. Catherine Tarasoff shows how barriers she made of used conveyor belting a year ago created a bare patch in a clump of yellow flag iris next to Dutch Lake.





RhizomesLeft: Tarasoff compares a living legume (l) with a one from the bare patch that has been dead for a year.

She would like to repeat the treatment on a larger scale on a step-by-step basis around the entire lake.

She gave a workshop about how to control invasive plants at Dutch Lake on Sept. 27.


Clearwater Times