Comments postponed until March 3 hearing

Council did not receive public comments on the proposed growth plan during the discussion or after the meeting on Feb. 11

While the public gallery was full for the first reading of Summerland’s proposed Urban Growth Plan on Tuesday evening, council did not receive public comments on the plan during the discussion or after the meeting.

The room was filled to capacity, with several standing at the rear of the crowded space.

Mayor Janice Perrino said public comments should be made at a special meeting at the Arena Banquet Room on March 3 at 7 p.m.

“Everyone will have their point of view fairly heard,” she said, but added that applause and cheering will not be tolerated at the public hearing, in order not to intimidate any of the potential speakers present.

Perrino’s comments were made following a round of applause for statements by Coun. Peter Waterman, in opposition to the proposed growth plan.

Following the council meeting, during a public question period, Mike Holler said the applause was misinterpreted.

“These people did not come here to intimidate anyone,” he said. “They were just showing support for a viewpoint.”

The public hearing on March 3 will begin with an open house from 5 to 7 p.m., followed by the public hearing at 7 p.m.

Written submissions and comments submitted by email will also be received until the public hearing.


Summerland Review