Committee approves overheight wall already built

Oak Bay council met again tonight, July 11, as committee of the whole in council chambers at 2167 Oak Bay Ave.

An over-height wall got the OK from Oak Bay’s committee of the whole last month after it was accidentally constructed too tall.

The original proposal to construct an accessory building, a detached carport enclosed on two and a half sides, was issued a building permit in 2012 but final approval wasn’t granted after it was found to be a nonconforming building height due to the slope of the roof. The overall height is still within the maximum permitted roof height. The applicant has requested council consider approval of a variance rather than having to lower the roof height and the reconstruction complexities this would entail.

Committee recommended council approve the variance request.

494 Beach Drive

A garage could get a little extra headroom for sports gear after committee approved a height increase for 494 Beach Drive. The existing home and accessory building are on a steep site and because it has nonconforming status, renovations require varying the provisions of a zoning bylaw by relaxing the front yard, side yard, and distance between buildings requirements, according to municipal staff.

Staff reviewed the proposed renovation in context with the overall site design and massing within the surrounding neighbourhood and don’t anticipate significant issues.

With that support committee recommended council approve the request to increase the height of the existing accessory building to accommodate storage of sporting equipment.



1071 Monterey Avenue

Committee went with a staff recommendation that council authorize preparation of a development variance permit for a new build at 1071 Monterey Ave.

The variance would allow for a single-family home and detached garage with a relaxed minimum distance between buildings.

Given the design and siting of the proposed work staff supported the proposed variance.

A review by the district arborist indicated tree fencing would be required to protect a boulevard tree during construction. The applicant indicated fencing would be installed around the tree.

The applicant proposes a 205 m2 home in the centre of the site with a 22 m2 detached garage in the rear yard.

The main residence does not provide for covered parking, a bylaw requirement, but instead is accommodated in a single-car detached garage sited in the rear yard. With the exception of the distance between buildings, the single family home and detached garage meet all setback and height requirements.

Decisions made at committee are recommendations to council for consideration. The next council meeting is June 27 at 7 p.m.


Oak Bay council met again as the committee of the whole July 11 in council chambers at 2167 Oak Bay Ave. They meet as council Monday, July 18 at 7 p.m. Meetings are also live web cast at and later archived and available online.



Oak Bay News