The Creston Valley Sports Wall of Fame logo, designed by Warren Bruns.

The Creston Valley Sports Wall of Fame logo, designed by Warren Bruns.

Committee planning to create Creston Valley Sports Wall of Fame

Creston Valley Sports Wall of Fame committee wants to honour sports builders and athletes, with website, interactive public video screen...

There is no official way to honour the Creston Valley’s sports builders or athletes, and the Creston Valley Sports Wall of Fame committee wants to change that.

The committees plans to create a website and interactive video screen at the Creston and District Community Complex (CDCC) that would allow viewers to choose between history and athlete sections.

“Sports is such a big part of the community that we think it’s long overdue,” said Signe Miller, who conceived the idea with Nicole Nilsson.

The duo was the driving force behind the recent installation of the CDCC’s electronic sign on Canyon Street, and Karen Douville, Joy Margitan, Jim Elford, Tammy Hardwick and Helen White join them on the committee.

Nilsson, together with her husband, Alex, has been involved in the development of various sports, from swimming to cross-country skiing to soccer — which is why the rec centre’s field is named for him.

“Other than that, there’s no record,” said Miller.

For Phase 1, the committee has identified about 30 sports, including Special Olympics, that could be part of the wall of fame, and they hope to have a more substantial list after the submission period closes Feb. 26. Along with team names, they are on the lookout for awards, trophies and certificates to be reproduced on the website.

“There are some great photos at the museum,” said Nilsson. “That’s only a part of history. We need much more.”

With an estimated cost of about $5,000, the committee was thrilled when the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s Creston Valley Services Committee agreed to fund the project. The budget item was approved by Area A director Garry Jackman, Area C director Larry Binks and Town of Creston Coun. Kevin Boehmer (filling in for Mayor Ron Toyota; Area B director Tanya Wall was absent).

“This means we can proceed with our gathering of sports history and recording it on video for our future website,” said Miller in an email to the committee.

Once the historical information is complied for the Creston Valley Sports Wall of Fame, the committee will move on to Phase 2, celebrating provincially-, nationally- or internationally-recognized athletes.

“Later on, we’re going to ask groups to nominate athletes,” said Miller. “But that’s a long ways off.”

For more information, contact Signe Miller at 250-428-9584 or, or Nicole Nilsson at


Creston Valley Advance