Communities in Bloom winner gardens for the love of it

Best overall gardener recognized

Co-organizer Angela Cole, left, presents Georgia Johnson of Birch Avenue in 100 Mile House with a certificate congratulating her for having the best overall garden in the local Communities in Bloom contest.

Co-organizer Angela Cole, left, presents Georgia Johnson of Birch Avenue in 100 Mile House with a certificate congratulating her for having the best overall garden in the local Communities in Bloom contest.

Georgia Johnson of 100 Mile House puts a lot of work into her expansive flower and vegetable gardens each year because she just loves to garden.

When she found out that judges had chosen her as winner of the Communities in Bloom Best Overall Garden in 100 Mile House award, it was the icing on the cake for her.

Her prize was a certificate and bragging rights, but her real reward, she says, is simpler than that.

“I was really excited to hear that I’d won. I put a lot of work into it, but I do it because I like it – not to win prizes.

“It makes it a little extra special when other people appreciate it.”

Her lot at 404 Birch Ave. is landscaped in both the back and front, with more than half of the ground covered with flowers and vegetables.

She grows enough vegetables each summer to see her through the winter and still has enough left to share with friends and family.

As far as flowers go, Johnson grows both annuals and perennials, and starts everything in her gardens from seed. The final product has an English garden look about it.

She has lived on the same property for 11 years, and among the additions she’s made is a terraced garden that makes good use of a slope. A contractor did the “hardscaping,” but she took care of the rest.

Johnson says that winning the gardening award makes her want to do more for next year, but she’ll probably look to pots and hanging baskets because her yard is quite full.

On whether she thinks her neighbours were inspired by the contest or by her garden, Johnson is convinced they were.

“I saw a few neighbours planting things that I haven’t seen them plant before. I’m pretty sure they were inspired.”


100 Mile House Free Press