A handful of the ducks the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce will use in the duck race. (Patrick Davies photo - 100 Mile Free Press)

Community Appreciation Day planned to thank firefighters

Event slated for Centennial Park on Sept. 25

  • Aug. 27, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A parade and outdoor Community Appreciation Day are being planned to honour South Cariboo firefighters and other first responders working on the wildfires.

Donna Barnett, a volunteer at the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce, said the event, slated for Sept. 25 in Centennial Park, is aimed at recognizing the firefighters, RCMP, South Cariboo Search and Rescue, Emergency Support Services (ESS), paramedics and others who have been working on the fires all summer. The event will also feature the announcement of the South Cariboo Citizens of the Year for 2019 and 2020.

“All these people we’re going to thank for being awesome,” Barnett said.

The event is set to start at 10:30 a.m. with a parade down Birch and Cedar avenues, to Centennial Park, where a range of activities are planned, including face-painting, an hour-long concert with Barney and Dustin Bentall and a rubber duck race in Bridge Creek.

It will finish at 4 p.m. after cake-cutting by the firefighters.

Burgers and hotdogs will be offered by donation, with the funds going toward the 100 Mile House Wranglers and the 100 Mile House Lions Club.

“Businesses have been very generous,” Barnett said, urging the community to come out “and have a good celebration.”

As of press time Wednesday, the event was still slated to go ahead. The District of 100 Mile on Friday approved Barnett’s request to close a section of Birch Avenue – between 1st and 5th – as well as Cedar Avenue between 5th and Centennial Park – from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. for the parade, but stipulated that the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce be required to “meet or exceed all public health COVID-19 orders and protocols in effect at that time.

“Hopefully everyone will remember to keep their social distancing,” Coun. Maureen Pinkney said. “What a good event to celebrate what everyone has been through.”

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