Community Foundation of North Okanagan board chairperson Herb Wong says the organization is continuing on with its Smart and Caring Community Grants Cycle. (Morning Star - file photo)

Community Foundation of North Okanagan board chairperson Herb Wong says the organization is continuing on with its Smart and Caring Community Grants Cycle. (Morning Star - file photo)

Community Foundation North Okanagan continues grant program

COVID-19 won't stop foundation program that provides funding to region's charitable sector

  • Mar. 17, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Community Foundation of North Okanagan is proceeding with its Smart and Caring Community Grants Cycle as planned.

The foundation is adjusting to the COVID-19 situation but plans to go-ahead with the program that provides a much-needed source of funding for the valuable charitable sector in the North Okanagan.

Grant applications are due March 31.

“We ask that you email your applications rather than drop them off,” said executive director Leanne Hammond. “If that poses a challenge for you, please contact us and we can discuss alternative arrangements. We will update you on distribution of funds as we get closer to May.”

READ MORE: Community Foundation of North Okanagan doles out record grant amount

The foundation is still working on-site and remotely as needed. As of Tuesday, the People Place building, where the foundation office is located, is keeping the door to the building locked in an effort to reduce the number of drop-ins and to keep everyone healthy and safe.

“We are limiting appointments, and ask that you contact us in advance before coming by,” said Hammond. “We are trying to observe social distancing for our own safety as well as the safety of our whole community.”

Foundation board chairperson Herb Wong said the organization recognizes that this is an exceptionally difficult time for charities in the community.

“With the cancellation of events, fundraising revenue is challenging and business, as usual, is just not possible,” said Wong. “Of course we recommend you follow and stay updated with local government and public health guidance through Health Canada, and the World Health Organization.”

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