This area of Naramata Bench overlooking Lake Okanagan is the proposed sight for a 300 plus home development by Canadian Horizons. (Canadian Horizons photo)

Community group happy with council’s rejection of Naramata Bench development

The Society for the Preservation of Naramata Bench has loudly opposed the Canadian Horizons proposal

  • Feb. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Community members who joined together to oppose the Vinterra development on Naramata Bench are cheering after Penticton council’s unanimous rejection of the project.

The Society for the Preservation of Naramata Bench sent out a press release thanking city councillors for their decision.

“In voting to prevent high density housing from being built on the Naramata Bench, city council has acted in the best interest of all of Penticton, not just the farmers, wineries and residents of the Naramata Bench,” said David Kozier, a society member and grape grower. “We all stand to benefit from the preservation of our tourism and agriculture economy and the careful environmental stewardship of this land for future generations.”

READ MORE: Penticton council shoots down Canadian Horizons rezoning request

The society has been vocally against the proposed rezoning of the Spiller Road subdivision to allow over 300 houses to be built on the hills of Naramata Bench on Spiller Rd.

The proposal for the rezoning had gone before council on Feb. 16 for first reading, ahead of public engagement, only for council to shut down the proposal outright.

A petition to city council calling for the preservation of the Naramata Bench had reached over 14,500 signatures by Feb. 17.

READ MORE: Penticton housing project would ruin Naramata Bench, says group

A group of protesters against the development had also appeared outside the city hall ahead of the decision, and in 2020 a tractor rally had ended in front of the building.

Following the decision Canadian Horizons shared their disappointment with the decision.

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