Local youth and SPCA supporters Kirk and Skye pose with the East Kootenay SPCA executive director, Christy King as they celebrate their grant from CFKR. Photo Submitted

Local youth and SPCA supporters Kirk and Skye pose with the East Kootenay SPCA executive director, Christy King as they celebrate their grant from CFKR. Photo Submitted

Community groups receive funding through annual CFKR grants

Groups throughout the entire Elk Valley were supported through this year's round of funding

  • Aug. 10, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies (CFKR) has awarded its annual grants for 2020, including several grants for groups in the Elk Valley.

“Despite the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, we felt it was very important to continue with our regular annual granting to support the excellent work of local nonprofits,” said Lynnette Wray, CFKR’s executive director.

The foundation has awarded just over $42,000 to 33 communities this year. They’ve also reinvested over $29,600 in the principals of 14 endowment funds in order to grow future granting. Grant applications are reviewed by CFKR’s local volunteer committee and the final decisions are ratified by the board of directors.

The Elkford Community Fund was established in late 2018 and awarded its inaugural grants this year to the Elkford Nordic Ski Cub for a track groomer, the High Altitude Volleyball Club for equipment and to the Elkford Snowmobile Association for a track groomer.

The Sparwood Community Fund also provided grants to a number of organizations this year. Sparwood Secondary School received $1,000 for first aid training for the outdoor education class, the Sparwood Golf Club was granted $600 for energy efficient light fixtures, and the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) will receive funding for their Love 2 Learn program. Finally, the Sparwood Trails Alliance received $980 for trail map kiosks throughout the area.

In Fernie, the Community Fund approved grants to five organizations. The Fernie Nordic Society will use their grant for the Trail Head Improvement Project while CBAL will put their $1,500 toward an Accessibility Project. The Joan Delich Kindergym Society will put their funding towards a storage facility and a lucky student at Fernie Secondary School will one day benefit from the $1,000 in grant funding to the Dr. Sparling and Mrs. Mary East Memorial Scholarship Fund. Finally, Twin Meadows Animal Rescue Society received $350 for veterinary care.

A variety of other grants and endowments were made throughout the region, including to various East Kootenay based organizations that strive to service the whole area.

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