A rendering of buildings and exterior features of the BC Housing Harbour View Gardens housing project on McKay. (Image: Liveable City Planning)

Community information meeting for BC Housing project on McKay

Participants for the Aug. 19 online meeting must register prior

  • Aug. 19, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A public information meeting will be held on Aug. 19 to discuss the redevelopment project of Harbour View Gardens, the BC Housing project, located on McKay.

The 6:00 p.m. zoom meeting is for anyone interested in the construction project, and participants must register for the online meeting by emailing: michael@liveablecityplanning.com.

The proposed build will result in 192 affordable townhomes and apartments, including accessible units. It will feature new amenities and play areas for tenants, information mailed to and received by the local area residents on Aug. 16, stated.

The property is subject to a rezoning concept on one of two areas along Mckay.

BC Housing has partnered with the Gitxaala Nation to subdivide and lease a portion of the Harbour View Garden site to the Nation. The project is led by the Nations non-profit society, Prince Rupert Indigenous Housing Society (PRIHS), information in the package stated.

As part of the agreement, BC Housing is providing PRHIS with a clear, development-ready site. The housing society is seeking final approvals from the City of Prince Rupert and plans to start construction on the family units soon.

There are no plans to redevelop the newer seniors housing situated on the north side of McKay, opposite the dog park.

The original 106 units consisting of 24 apartments and 82 townhomes were designed in 1975 and had reached the end of their service life. The apartment and three rows of units were demolished in 2020. Sixty-six units remain.

According to the distributed documentation, construction of the new facilities is planned in five phases to minimize the impact on the neighbourhood and to provide current tenants with an opportunity to move into new affordable housing once the first phase is complete.

Phase one in the development will be to the inside site of the property to allow for sufficient spaces and construction staging. Phases two to five will complete the rest of the project with housing units fronting McKay and Kootenay Ave.

K-J Millar | Journalist

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