Downtown Terrace after heavy winter snowfall on Feb. 6, 2018. (Photo Brittany Gervais)

Downtown Terrace after heavy winter snowfall on Feb. 6, 2018. (Photo Brittany Gervais)

Community input needed for revitalized downtown plan

City development services are encouraging residents to participate in the conversation online

  • Feb. 26, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The City of Terrace is looking for input from the community for an updated Downtown Plan and Design Guidelines for the downtown area.

Public consultation is part of the first stage of the process, and city officials are utilizing an alternative online platform called Wayblaze to gather ideas. The forum, titled “Downtown Terrace Tomorrow”, is used to share thoughts and discuss solutions to make downtown a more “livable, successful and people-friendly” place.

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Residents can post their ideas with attached photos, tag a specific location or leave comments on other suggestions. Topics range from education and learning to sustainable recreation and transportation options. Thirteen ideas have been posted so far and include suggestions ranging from improving the sidewalks on Lakelse Avenue, to organizing more weekly festivals.

Modus Planning Design and Engagement, the firm hired to help facilitate a revitalized downtown plan, has done work in other small B.C. communities like Gibsons and Squamish. The update was approved to ensure the community goals, objectives and supporting policy accurately reflects the community’s vision for the city.

“The key here is to engage the community as much as possible to have holistic feedback on a future vision of Downtown Terrace,” said Karisa Petho, officer of communications and business development in an email.

While posting on the online forum is encouraged, the public is also invited to attend an evening session with keynote speaker Michael von Hausen, author of “Small is Big: Jump-Starting Small-City Downtowns for the New Economy.”

The open session on March 6 is 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Days Inn Terrace on Lakelse Avenue. Residents can engage and share ideas with staff, city council and community stakeholders at the same location from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m on March 7.


brittany.gervais@terracestandard.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Terrace Standard