Community invited to Nov. 11 ceremony

Remembrance Day has special meaning for Jim Tindale

Every year, on Nov. 11, the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 261-Forest Grove opens its doors to young and old to remember the soldiers who are and have been serving their country all over the world.

Forest Grove Legion president Jim Tindale reminisces at the question on what Remembrance Day means to him: “I start by thinking of my dad. On his 21st birthday – July 14, 1944 – he and his fellow soldiers landed in Normandy.

“However, like many other veterans, he never really spoke much about the war. Those stories were reserved for fellow vets who could appreciate the horror and emotions connected with combat.”

Tindale is humbly grateful to all our veterans who have served their country in times of war, as peacekeepers and first responders. He also thinks of the sacrifices made by their families, as well as the soldiers themselves – be that emotional, physical or mental. There are men and women out there right now willing to risk their lives to keep our country and values safe, he adds

Lest We Forget

On Remembrance Day, local residents and visitors alike are invited to gather outside the Forest Grove Legion around 10:30 a.m. for a short procession along Canim-Hendrix Lake Road into Legion Park, where the service will take place at 11 a.m.

The RCMP, the local cadets and members of the Canim Lake Band have been asked to attend. Forest Grove Volunteer Fire Department deputy fire chief Ron Lister will once again be the moderator and Marianne Van Osch will recount her thoughts in relation to this annual event.

After the service, all attendees are welcome to gather inside the Legion to mingle, catch up with everybody and make new friends. Ladies Auxiliary members will be ready with a buffet with sandwiches, hotdogs and hot chocolate for everybody to enjoy.

Doris E Rufli is the Forest Grove correspondent.


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