Community meeting in Sandspit Wednesday night on asbestos issue

  • Oct. 24, 2012 4:00 p.m.

The Observer challenges the community to “Match the Bid” to send the Queen Charlotte Secondary 8-12 Boys Soccer team, our kids, to the Provincials in Victoria.The team must raise $5000 to cover travel costs by 4:00 pm Tuesday October 30. That’s this coming Tuesday. Support the kids by matching the bids of individuals and local businesses. Please help and act fast! Send your name, bid amount and contact information to HG Observer editor Jeff King and a member of the fundraising team will pick up your donation. You can contribute as an individual, business or anonymously. Follow the campaign in real time on this site.Match the bid and support the kids!Bids:Misty Moon Ent.-Ken Evans $50.00Carol Kulesha $25.00Peter Weeber $100Purple Onion $50Jeff King $100

Haida Gwaii Observer