Community planner hired

Community planner hired

Job is to examine housing issues

  • Sep. 11, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Community planner hired

The District of Houston has hired a community planner whose task will be to develop a thorough understanding of housing issues in the community.

With a start date of Sept. 3, this position is being equally shared with the Village of Telkwa and is a term position, financed by grants from outside agencies.

The creation of the position follows a recent requirement that a local government’s official community plan examine housing and housing needs.

The new staffer “will be reviewing our development bylaw and other regulations to ensure that the goals and objectives of the bylaws are being achieved and without creating unnecessary barriers to housing development,” explained District of Houston chief administrative officer Gerald Pinchbeck.

“As well, they will be available to assist with any development proposals the district may receive and provide assistance to the district in planning for future market and non-market housing development.”

As with any municipality, Houston has a variety of single and multi-family residential housing stock of varying ages and conditions.

Key to the work will be looking at both short and long term housing projections and needs with an eye to affordability.

Usage fee waived

The District has agreed to waive a fee that would otherwise be paid by the Pleasant Valley Cattlemen’s Association to use Four Seasons Park for its Sept. 20-21 Agriculture Awareness Days event.

A $400 deposit had already been forwarded by the association to the District.

“We are not charging any admittance and have applied for funding to help cover our costs. What is not covered by funding will be covered by the Pleasant Valley Cattlemen’s Association,” wrote Linda Dykens on behalf of the event’s organizing committee.

“We will have people explaining what farming is all about and the entire process of raising farm products from birth or seeding to when you buy products at the local butcher, farmer or grocery store,” a promotional letter from the association states.

In addition to the fee waiver, District of Houston chief administrative officer Gerald Pinchbeck said council members have also asked for a review of the district’s Grant of Assistance program as part of deliberations leading to the 2020 budget preparation.

Houston Today