Comox town hall. Black Press file photo

Comox announces by-election date for November

Residents will select a new Comox councillor to fill the seat left by Coun. Pat McKenna

  • Sep. 10, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A municipal by-election is set for Nov. 27 for Comox residents to select a new Comox councillor to fill the seat left by the resignation of Coun. Pat McKenna.

General voting day for the election will be held at the Comox Community Centre with COVID-19 safety protocols in place. Additional advance voting days will also be available on Nov. 17, 20 and 24. Due to the continued social distancing and minimal touch-point preferences of many residents, council has agreed to adopt increased eligibility for mail-ballot voters.

Comox council appointed Shelly Russwurm as chief elections officer and Lia Pesklevits as deputy chief election Officer.

The Local Government Act authorizes council to determine some local election procedures by bylaw and these are reflected in Comox Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 1888, 2018 which includes the use of voting machines, use of the provincial voter’s list, public access to election documents via town website; advance voting opportunities, voting by mail ballot and determining the order of candidate names on ballots.

The town’s website provides the public with the deadlines for elector registration and candidate nominations, as well as dates, times and locations of all voting opportunities.

For more information visit

Comox Valley Record