Comox town hall. Black Press file photo

Comox funding September long weekend concerts in town

The weekend concerts are in conjunction with those being held in Courtenay and Cumberland

Comox is hoping to bring some music to residents’ ears during the Labour Day long weekend, as council approved up to $10,000 for three concerts within the town.

At the Aug. 11 council meeting, council voted unanimously for a motion brought forward by Coun. Ken Grant for weekend concerts in conjunction with Courtenay and Cumberland.

“(It’s) in lieu of the fact that we haven’t had any celebrations or anything,” he said, and added there will be three public concerts in Comox, Courtenay will host five or six and Cumberland is hosting one or two.

Noting the short timeframe, Grant explained he tentatively booked Luke Guthrie and Anela Kahiamoe, Easy Street and John Mang and Sue Wood. All three will be at different locations within the town at different times on Saturday, Sept. 4.

Each musician will be paid $200, and are responsible for bringing their own gear. Grant said he met with the City of Courtenay, Comox Valley Regional District Area C director Edwin Grieve and the Comox Valley Arts Council to plan the Valley-wide event.

All concerts will take place on the same day in order for people to visit various venues and musicians.

People are encouraged to bring their own blankets and chairs to each venue. More information is set to be released for the time and locations of each performance.

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Comox council voted to recognize Aug. 31 as the International Overdoes Awareness Day.

Shari Dunnet, project co-ordinator for the Comox Valley Community Actions Team told council in an email CAT will be hosting an event on that day in partnership with AVI Health & Community Services and Indigenous Women’s Sharing Society.

She explained the day is about remembering the loved ones we have lost and acknowledging the grief of family and friends left behind.

“It is also about taking real action to save lives,” Dunnet added.

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