Comox giving people with water meters a break

Comox council has adopted water rates for 2014 that will result in savings of up to $147 for metered residential water customers.

Comox Council has adopted water rates for 2014 that will result in savings of up to $147 for metered residential water customers who have enrolled in metered billing and who help the Town conserve water.

Under the new bylaw, metered residential customers will be able to save up to $147 (45 per cent) on the yearly cost of their water, compared to the flat residential rate of $327. These maximum savings apply to residential customers using 14 cubic metres (m3) or less of water per month (168 m3 or less per year).

Even customers who use more water than that can still save money if they enrol in metered billing — up to $116 for customers using 200 m3 of water per year, and up to $68 for customers using 250 m3 of water per year.

Most of the 1,500 metered single-family homes in Comox use less than 250 m3 of water, so the potential for savings extends to a majority of metered residential customers.

Council can offer these savings because if households use less water, then the Town will buy less water from the regional district — saving the Town’s water system money. Now more of those savings will be shared with metered residential customers who are paying by their meter.

As well, council has decided to allow residential customers to withdraw from metered billing annually. All residential customers who are currently enrolled in metered billing will receive a letter on this change and the new rates with their next quarterly utility bill in early January.

Customers thinking about enrolling in metered billing should visit the water services page on the Town’s website ( to learn more about Switching to Residential Metered Billing.

— Town of Comox


Comox Valley Record