An aerial view of the turf and proposed field house. Image, SD71 report

An aerial view of the turf and proposed field house. Image, SD71 report

Comox Valley board of education backs soccer field house

Several school district capital projects are on time and on budget

  • Oct. 17, 2020 12:00 a.m.

School trustees passed a motion at their regular meeting in September to approve the construction of a field house for the artificial turf field at G.P. Vanier Secondary.

They also passed a motion to request senior staff to work with the Comox Valley Regional District to update the operating agreement with a local soccer club. The move follows a request from the Comox Valley United Soccer Club for a field house because at present the only washrooms or change areas for players, coaches, referees or spectators are in the nearby Comox Valley Sports Centre.

The proposed clubhouse is to include washrooms, change areas and storage space. The club has been working on donations and in-kind support from tradespeople and suppliers for the project. The project is close to the building stage after the CVRD awarded $115,000 for the project in August.

SD71 capital projects in the works

Director of operations Ian Heselgrave provided a report to the board of education in September updating some of the capital projects throughout the district.

Trustee Michelle Waite, who chairs the board’s facilities committee, commended him for the work he and his team have done through difficult times.

“Everything seems like it’s on time and on budget, even through these tumultuous months,” she said.

The seismic upgrade work at Lake Trail Middle School, led by Heatherbrae Builders, remains on schedule and budget. Work is focussing on two main areas, including mainly administrative and other areas to the south and mainly class space in the north addition behind the gym.

For the replacement school at Hornby Island, work started in May and is progressing. The excavation, foundation and slab were finished by the end of June. Tendering was then completed over the summer. Main trade packages are all under contract, with construction costs matching the approved Ministry of Education budget.

For the child care facility at Denman Island, in late August, the school district and MKM Projects entered into a contract following a second round of tendering. Completion is expected for February 2021.

Other capital work of late has included a fire sprinkler upgrade at Cumberland Community School, which should be finished by the new year, and a mechanical upgrade at Mark R. Isfeld Secondary, which was completed on time and on budget.

More support for school district

There has been some good news in terms of community support for the school district, superintendent Tom Demeo told the board of education at the first regular meeting of the school year, despite the pandemic. He noted a Jiffy Lube and Staples project where the two businesses teamed up for the third consecutive year to fill 200 backpacks with supplies for students.

As well, the district noted in its board newsletter that Blue Haven Farms provided a donation of fresh blueberries for home economic students at G.P. Vanier, who made batches of blueberry muffins.

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