Comox Valley candidate says Conservatives offering choice

The B.C. Conservative Party offers a real choice in the May 14 provincial election, says Comox Valley candidate Diane Hoffmann.

Diane Hoffman is the Comox Valley Conservative candidate in the May 14 provincial election.

Diane Hoffman is the Comox Valley Conservative candidate in the May 14 provincial election.

The B.C. Conservative Party offers a real choice in the May 14 provincial election, says Comox Valley candidate Diane Hoffmann.

The Campbell River resident was announced last week by party leader John Cummins as the riding’s candidate.

While this is her first foray into politics, Hoffmann has always been a Conservative.

“I’ve been hearing a lot of people saying ‘We don’t have a choice; we only have the same old, same old for the last 20 years’,” Hoffmann said. “I felt the same way too, so I thought I’m going to get in there when I heard the BC Conservative Party was coming up with a choice. I thought I’ll get in there and do my part as a citizen to make a difference.

“I’m going to be working with the people of Comox, and I’m looking forward to finding out a lot of things from them.”

Party priorities include balanced budgets, fair taxes and safer communities. Personally, Hoffmann is interested in seniors and young people. She has spoken about seniors abuse, and delivered workshops for writing memoirs.

“Trying to make things better for seniors — helping out in every way we can,” she said.

Though she does not have a political background, the self-employed and semi-retired Hoffmann brings a number of “transferrable skills from business.”

Hoffmann has worked the past 30 years in small business and project management, and has authored several books and articles. She and husband Harold have been married 47 years.

Quebec-born and bilingual, Hoffmann moved to B.C. in 2001. She is a student of theology with bachelor’s and master’s degrees and a PhD with an emphasis on Jewish History. Last year, she obtained designation as a certified professional consultant on aging.

Comox Valley Record