Police lights

Police lights

Comox Valley RCMP advise vigilance after multiple reports of a suspicious person following walkers

Description is of a man in an older, boxy white sedan

Local RCMP and military police are urging caution after a couple of reports of a suspicious male in a vehicle following female pedestrians.

Melissa Harrison said she was walking home from Glacier Gardens on Military Row Tuesday evening at about 8:30, when she noticed a vehicle following her.

“It was a sedan,” she said. “White, old and boxy, and it had a new driver ‘N’ on the back.”

She described the driver as “male, with glasses.”

“It was really terrifying,” she said. “I had my infant son with me and my immediate thought was ‘is he trying to get me, or is he trying to get my baby?’ My phone was dead; I had no way to defend myself. Then he pulled over, and a part of me was thinking, ‘OK, this is it.’ My heart started racing and I was wondering what I was going to do.”

Harrison posted a warning, which was shared on social media. The following day, another posting popped up, with similar details.

Mackenzie Chisholm responded on the thread, saying she had a similar experience a week earlier, while walking her dog at the Courtenay Air Park.

She gave the same vehicle description. She said she could not see the driver, due to the car’s high-beams shining in her face, but she did notice the ‘N’ sticker on the back of the car.

“… a white older boxy car drove back and forth probably 5 times, going superrrr (sic) slow, and getting closer each time they passed. It was super unnerving … the driver was not trying to be coy at all.”

Comox Valley RCMP and 19 Wing personnel have confirmed the incidents were reported to the authorities.

“The Comox Valley RCMP is aware of these incidents, is investigating and is liaising with the Military Police regarding the incident reported in their jurisdiction,” said Comox Valley RCMP Const. Monika Terragni, adding that the social media posting of the Comox incident was a catalyst for the Courtenay Airpark file.

“We are currently investigating one report of a suspicious vehicle/incident of this nature that occurred on Feb. 12, 2020 at approximately 8 p.m. at the Courtenay Air Park. This incident was reported on Feb. 20 to the Comox Valley RCMP as the result of a similar incident being posted on social media.

“These reports highlight the importance of calling the police to report any/all suspicious activity especially at the time it is happening (if possible). Any piece of information, big or small, can turn out to be a very important part of an ongoing investigation.”

The military police in Comox say they will be increasing patrols in the area, in light of the complaint they received.

“12 Military Police Flight at 19 Wing Comox are increasing patrols because one encounter where someone feels unsafe is too many, and we value a safe community for our members and their families to live in,” said Capt. Evan Foster, commander of 12 Military Police Flight.

Comox Valley Record