The CVRD has released results from a number of AAP proposals. Record file photo

Comox Valley Regional District garbage bylaws fail at alternative approval process

Other bylaws, including sewer project and mosquito abatement, can now move ahead

  • Jul. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Regional district proposals for mosquito abatement and a sewer system conveyance project have cleared the alternative approval process (AAP) while another for garbage service has failed.

The Comox Valley Regional District announced July 8 that fewer than 10 per cent of voters registered opposition under the AAP for the Saratoga Beach mosquito abatement service and borrowing for the Comox Valley sewer system conveyance project.

For proposed garbage service, the CVRD has broken the plan into three regions for northern, central and southern. In each case, the CVRD received enough elector response forms to reach the 10 per cent threshold: 12.17 per cent in the northern region, 15.27 per cent in the central and 15.67 per cent in the southern. The results mean the CVRD board will have to consider a referendum to get voter approval or shelve plans to provide waste collection service.

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The Saratoga Beach mosquito program received a response of 2.22 per cent while borrowing for the sewer system conveyance project received 0.06 per cent. The Comox Valley Sewerage Service treats sewage from Courtenay, Comox and K’ómoks First Nation. The plan for the project is to replace and upgrade the pipes and pump stations that move wastewater to the sewage treatment plant.

Two other bylaws also received far less than the 10 per cent threshold: the Baynes Sound Community Facilities Support Service Establishment, which had only 0.15 per cent response; and the Puntledge North Community Facilities Support Service Establishment/Black Creek Community Centre Amendment, which has 0.19 per cent.

The CVRD board can now consider adopting bylaws that received less than 10 per cent opposition. The next meeting is scheduled for July 13.

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Comox Valley Record