Comox Valley Regional District in no rush to purchase land

The Comox Valley Regional district has again deferred an offer to buy land in the Puntledge Triangle to the CVRD for $9 million.

The Comox Valley Regional district has again deferred a 3L Developments offer to sell land in the Puntledge Triangle to the CVRD for $9 million.

On Tuesday, the CVRD committee of the whole referred the offer to its March meeting, again tabling the request which appeared on last month’s agenda. In January, the committee had directed staff to look into the matter and report back at a future meeting.

Committee chair Edwin Grieve has said 3L’s plan to a create a riverfront community near Stotan Falls does not jibe with the Regional Growth Strategy.

Company spokesman Kabel Atwall said a large component of the triangle is going to be lost unless the district indicates that it wants to purchase the property.

“We own that large portion of the triangle,” Atwall said. “If they want that to complete the trails they have to purchase it.”

The property in question includes park land in and around the Puntledge and Browns rivers, Stotan Falls and Bull Island.

“We would sell it to them,” Atwall said. “We’re trying to make it as easy as we can for them.”

If the sale does not move froward, 3L will fence off the boundaries, which would leave Stotan Falls inaccessible to the public.

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The committee approved a staff recommendation to remove the curling facility project from the 2013 budget. Renovation options range from roughly $400,000 for maintenance and repairs to $3.8 million for a new facility.

Staff will work with the Comox Valley Curling Club to establish a long-term plan, including a financial strategy for the facility.

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The Vancouver Island Mountain Sports Society has requested $50,000 to help develop the sports centre at Mount Washington. The CVRD kicked in $38,000 last year.

The committee referred the request to its March meeting when a delegation can speak to the request.

Comox Valley Record