Fanny Bay residents conducted a neighbourhood meeting in the summer to discuss problem properties in the area. Photo supplied

Fanny Bay residents conducted a neighbourhood meeting in the summer to discuss problem properties in the area. Photo supplied

Comox Valley Regional District initiates legal action against property owner

The Comox Valley Regional District has initiated legal action against Amandio Santos, whose rental properties have caused numerous complaints from residents in various municipalities.

The Comox Valley Regional District has initiated legal action against Amandio Santos, whose rental properties have caused numerous complaints from residents in various municipalities.

In August, a delegation from Fanny Bay appealed to district directors to find a solution to end a long list of problems associated with a Santos-owned property at 501 Holiday Rd.

READ: Fanny Bay residents fed up with problem house

The CVRD said it will be pursuing enforcement and compliance with all applicable bylaws.

On Sept. 15, the district filed proceedings in BC Provincial Court against Santos on nine separate charges related to bylaw complaints received on three separate properties. Two of the properties, 501 Holiday Rd. and 7390 Cougar Smith Rd., are in Fanny Bay. The third, 2180 Schulz Rd., is in Black Creek.

“The complaints are regarding the unsightly nature of these properties with an accumulation of refuse, derelicts, and garbage,” said Amanda Yasinski, the CVRD’s manager of bylaw compliance. “There have also been complaints received regarding the full-time occupancy of recreational vehicles and accessory buildings. Additional complaints received regarding lack of working septic systems, access to water, and hazardous living conditions have been forwarded onto the respective agencies, and the CVRD continues to work with and assist other agencies in obtaining compliance.”

Santos was reached by phone but would not comment on the situation.

In March of 2019, several neighbours voiced concerns at a public hearing about a rezoning application at a Santos-owned property with a history of problem tenants at 2310 20th St. in Courtenay. The following month, council adopted a bylaw to authorize a housing agreement that requires a rental property with a history of problem tenants to be owner-occupied.

READ: Housing agreement could bring peace to Courtenay neighbourhood

Comox Valley Record