The regional district has now adopted bylaws to take over services from the Union Bay Improvement District. Record file photo

Comox Valley Regional District passes Union Bay services bylaws

Region takes over community's water, fire protection and streetlight services

  • Aug. 12, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Comox Valley Regional District board passed multiple motions at the Aug. 10 meeting to complete the establishment of services for Union Bay.

The regional district has been working in recent months with the Union Bay community, including its former board, on setting up the transition for it to take over the administration of services.

The Union Bay Improvement District had overseen water service, fire protection and streetlights in the community south of Courtenay until July 1. At that time, these moved to the CVRD.

“We welcome Union Bay residents into those new services,” CVRD chair Jesse Ketler said at the meeting.

The board had introduced bylaws earlier for fire protection, streetlights, water service, capital and future expenditures reserve funds for the water service and fire protection, and a future expenditure reserve fund for streetlights. At the most recent meeting, they adopted all eight bylaws.

“I don’t think we will have more flurries of resolutions like this,” said Area A director Daniel Arbour, whose electoral area includes Union Bay.

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The conversion process started following a referendum last November during which more than 70 per cent of Union Bay voters supported rolling their services into the regional district rather than continuing to operate them through UBID.

In the time since, UBID board and staff started working with the CVRD on switching services, including the establishment of a committee for the early months following conversion to help with the transition process.

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