The Comox Valley Regional District is undertaking a food hub feasibility study. File photo

Comox Valley residents encouraged to learn about food hubs

The Comox Valley Regional District is undertaking a food hub feasibility study for the region.

  • May. 10, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Comox Valley Regional District is undertaking a food hub feasibility study for the region.

The CVRD has entered into a cost-sharing agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries to undertake the assessment. The district gratefully acknowledges financial support of the Province of BC through the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries towards this initiative.

The feasibility study is part of the BC Food Hub Network Plan under development. The plan comprises a series of regional hubs that will offer agriculture, food and seafood businesses shared processing infrastructure, processing and testing equipment. It will also offer business advisory and product development services, along with training and research opportunities related to food processing and safety.

“Our study will be the first step to promote local collaboration among local food contributors, explore opportunities to expand our local food production and market share, as well as prepare a business plan for a Comox Valley Food Hub,” said Alana Mullaly, CVRD General Manager of Planning and Development Services. “We have a very strong local food production community and developing this business plan helps increase local food security. The business plan will be presented to the CVRD board to provide guidance on the potential implementation of a Comox Valley Food Hub in the region.”

Residents are encouraged to learn more about food hubs by attending an online forum, June 2 from noon – 1 p.m.

Pre-registration is required. Visit to register.

Development of the feasibility study includes a background and market review, business plan development as well as governance model options. Targeted engagement with key stakeholders and food processors is underway.

Comox Valley Record