The old Royal Canadian Legion site in downtown Vernon is slated to, one day, be the future of home of a residential/commercial development. Right now, it’s causing grief for the City of Vernon, inundated with complaints about the site. (Roger Knox/Morning Star)

The old Royal Canadian Legion site in downtown Vernon is slated to, one day, be the future of home of a residential/commercial development. Right now, it’s causing grief for the City of Vernon, inundated with complaints about the site. (Roger Knox/Morning Star)

Complaints abound over old Vernon Legion site

City of Vernon inundated with complaints; send letter to property owner

The plan is for the site to house residential and commercial enterprises.

Right now, the old Royal Canadian Legion site on 31st Avenue and 33rd Street in downtown is causing the City of Vernon headaches.

The city has received numerous complaints about the subject site: unsightly appearance, safety concerns, deteriorating improvements and illegal activity.

“Bylaw officers have had to attend the site almost daily and in conjunction with the RCMP on numerous occasions,” said Mayor Akbal Mund. “More and more, the street entrenched population has moved in there, so we have contacted the owner of the property to tell them the property is becoming unsafe.”

Mund said the owner is taking the matter seriously.

“He’s replied back and said he’ll have a demolition permit in place by July 1,” said Mund.

That permit is $150 and is good for two years, though Mund was clear council wants something done sooner than later.

RELATED: Development gets green light

Council, in May 2017, supported a development variance permit for the property so that a residential/commercial project, valued at $12.5 million, could be constructed.

The project presented would have 12,100 square-feet of commercial space, and 17,700 square-feet in underground parking, 70 units of seniors supportive housing on the five upper floors.

The variances relate to the height of the building and parking.

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Vernon Morning Star