Concerns over possible Cherryville contamination

Students at Cherryville Elementary have been told to use bottled water at this time.

Some Cherryville residents are questioning the safety of their water.

There are concerns that wells in the area of North Fork and Lang roads have allegedly been contaminated.

“It’s coming out of there like coffee,” said Eugene Foisy, regional district director, of the colour of the water.

“It’s completely unusable.”

Besides domestic wells, it’s possible Cherry Creek is also impacted so as a precaution, students at Cherryville Elementary have been told to use bottled water at this time.

A similar issue arose in the community in 2006 and it’s believed the problem may be related to melting snow washing material from pastures into wells and the creek.

“There’s only 20 feet difference from the cows to the wells,” said Foisy.

“Where they are being fed is right there.”

Officials from the Interior Health Authority are expected to be on site in Cherryville some time Wednesday.

“We are responding to a concern brought to us,” stated an e-mail from IHA.

Other agencies, such as the Ministry of Environment, could also be involved in investigating the status of the wells.


Vernon Morning Star