Conditions at CDH ‘sad’

Chemainus – I, too, hope that there are no repercussions towards Abi Nielsen and her courageous article about conditions at the Cowichan District Hospital. I had the misfortune in 2012 of spending four months in the hospital, part in Nanaimo, most of the time at CDH, and concur wholeheartedly with Abi Nielsen’s article.

Reading about the $36 billion cut over 10 years in payments of the Canada Health Transfer in 2017 by Harper is all the more reason not to elect the Harper government next election.

I am sorry for Lorene Benoit’s loss and the problems that her mother went through before her passing, especially with their experience with the home care system. Mrs. Benoit does not mention if the home care service was for general care or for medical care, but I would like to mention the medical care aspect from my experience.

I have been a paraplegic for 35 years and in 2011 developed a pressure sore on the buttock. Thanks to my doctor at the Chemainus clinic I was put on the Duncan Home Care nursing program. By early 2012, and after a wound vac application not working, the nurse arranged for my admittance to Nanaimo Hospital. Turns out I had osteomyelitis (bone infection) in my upper right leg, thus the removal of the shattered femur surgery and antibiotic regime for four months.

I can’t say enough praise about the care and dedication of the nurses from Duncan Home Care, and especially the nurse heading the wound care unit at Duncan. You all know who you are. Throughout the whole ordeal I was so fortunate and thankful to have the medical care I received available here on the Island, even though there is a lot of improvement to be made yet.

Thanks to Abi Nielsen and Lorene Benoit for bringing to light the sad conditions that still exist in the medical system. Maybe if more people wrote in about their hospital experience we would see quicker changes for the better.

Rick Faulkner


Cowichan Valley Citizen