Condrotte chairs school board again

  • Dec. 28, 2012 12:00 p.m.

Central Graham Island trustee Elizabeth Condrotte has been acclaimed chair of the islands school board for the coming year. Ms Condrotte was acclaimed to the position by her fellow trustees when they met Dec. 18 in Queen Charlotte. A trustee since 2008, Ms Condrotte was first elected chair of the board a year ago. Trustees also acclaimed Masset representative Sharon Matthews as vice-chair for the coming year, a position she held last year. Ms Matthews was first elected in 2001 and is the longest-serving trustee on the school board. There are three other trustees on the school board: Warren Wesley represents Old Massett, Kim Goetzinger represents Skidegate and Carla Lutner represents the South Island area, which covers Sandspit and Queen Charlotte.

Haida Gwaii Observer