Conklin resigns but offers support for future

Radium’s Ambassador has waved goodbye to the folks at Tourism Radium.

Radium’s Ambassador has waved goodbye to the folks at Tourism Radium.

The Village of Radium Hot Springs council accepted Dee Conklin’s written resignation letter at the regular meeting on Wednesday, September 9th.

“We got a letter from Dee, which indicates that she is stepping back from the role that we created for her,” said Clara Reinhardt, Village of Radium Hot Springs mayor, who asked Mr. Read for further information.

Mr. Read replied, “I believe she felt that she had accomplished what she had hoped in terms of getting (Radium event co-ordinator) Patrick (Tolchard) on his two feet and introducing him to being a liaison between Tourism Radium, so she felt it was time to move on.”

Ms. Reinhardt accepted the information from Mr. Read’s meeting with Ms. Conklin.

She added that Ms. Conklin has offered to make herself available in the future if the village needed an extra set of hands or support.

Ms. Conklin encouraged council to use the balance of her own stipend for Patrick Tolchard’s salary in her resignation letter.

“Patrick has proven himself to be very capable and goes above and beyond to get the job done,” she stated. “I know if you break his hours down, he is truly donating much of his time to make sure the events are successful.”

Her feedback was welcomed by council; however, it remains unclear if Ms. Conklin’s suggestion will be pursued.

“It was a very gracious resignation,” concluded Ms. Reinhardt.

When asked about the decision that could follow regarding the stipend, Mr. Read replied by email stating that he will be re-evaluating Mr. Tolchard’s position and contract at renewal time.

“At this point,” he wrote, “I am not certain what changes may occur to the duties attached to the event co-ordinator position.”

Invermere Valley Echo