A Grizzly Bear with a broken-off arrow stuck in its head, was recently taken by a passing motorist and provided to Smithers Conservation Officers. The picture was taken along Hwy. 37 North, just north of the Meziadin junction. (Conservation Officer Service photo)

A Grizzly Bear with a broken-off arrow stuck in its head, was recently taken by a passing motorist and provided to Smithers Conservation Officers. The picture was taken along Hwy. 37 North, just north of the Meziadin junction. (Conservation Officer Service photo)

Conservation officers seek info on injured grizzly in northwest B.C.

The bear was spotted on Hwy 37 just north of Meziadin Junction with an arrow in its head

Smithers conservation officers are looking for information about a grizzly bear that was seen with a broken off arrow in its head.

A photo of the bear with arrow injury, was recently taken by a passing motorist and sent to the Conservation Officer Service (BCCOS in Smithers. The picture was taken along Hwy. 37 North, just north of the Meziadin junction.

The BCCOS is investigating. Anyone with any information about this incident, is asked to call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277.

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