Lisa Raitt, a federal Conservative leadership candidate, speaks at Vernon's Schubert Centre Friday.

Lisa Raitt, a federal Conservative leadership candidate, speaks at Vernon's Schubert Centre Friday.

Conservative brings leadership bid to region

Lisa Raitt spoke to about 50 people at Vernon's Schubert Centre Friday

A Conservative leadership candidate says she’s ready to take on Justin Trudeau.

Lisa Raitt told about 50 people at Vernon’s Schubert Centre Friday that she hasn’t been impressed with the Liberal government and what she calls broken promises.

“The Liberals are beatable in 2019,” said the Ontario MP and former cabinet minister.

“The promises he made on debt and deficit were not achievable. He just made it up.”

Raitt also points to the fact that Trudeau still hasn’t acted on a vow to legalize marijuana.

“That’s a big promise he made to people and it’s shameful he couldn’t get it done in the time promised,” she said.

During her stop, Raitt took questions from the floor, including about what she would do to improve the Trans-Canada Highway, including in Salmon Arm.

“I’d make sure we have the money for it. Prioritizing safety is always important,” she said.

A resident also expressed concern that there isn’t sufficient screening for refugees.

“I come from a big family and I don’t want someone coming here to kill them off,” said the man.

In response, Raitt stated that there’s a need to provide refugees with language and career training.

“They want to do better and we need to give them the best circumstances possible,” she said.

“They need to be supported and the community needs to be told how it will happen.”

Raitt was also asked for her thoughts on a carbon tax, and she insists it’s misguided because it doesn’t reduce greenhouse emissions and isn’t revenue neutral.

“If more money is sloshing around Ottawa, there is less chance it will be used appropriately,” she said.


Vernon Morning Star