
Conservative incumbent Brad Vis retains Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon seat by wide margin

179 of 180 polls in: Vis wins by nearly 8,000 votes

  • Sep. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Conservative incumbent MP Brad Vis retained his seat for the Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon riding in the 2021 Canadian Election by a wide margin.

With 179 of 180 polls reporting, Vis is at 43.6 per cent of the vote (17,962 votes), compared to Liberal candidate Geet Grewal’s 24.5 per cent (10,071 votes), while the NDP’s Lynn Perrin is at 20.2 per cent of the vote (8,333 votes).

Vis won the seat in the 2019 election, taking the seat from Liberal Jati Sidhu with 42.1 per cent of the vote. They also ran against each other in the 2015 election, with Sidhu winning in an upset by just over 1,000 votes.

The riding covers the northeastern edge of Abbotsford, all the way to Cache Creek just west of Kamloops and has population of 94,825, with 70,677 eligible voters.

It includes the communities of Mission, Kent, Lytton, Harrison Hotsprings, Lillooet, Ashcroft, Cache Creek, and the Matsqui area of north Abbotsford.

The Liberal Party is projected to win the most seats in the election, but it’s still unclear whether they will form a majority or minority government.

Results from nearly 1 million mail-in votes will start being counted on Tuesday, Sept. 21, and the final vote tally won’t be known until Wednesday, according to Elections Canada.


Green Party – Nicole Bellay: 1,793 votes, 4.4%

Liberal Party – Geet Grewal: 10,071 votes, 24.5%

People’s Party – Tyler Niles: 2,996 votes, 7.3%

New Democratic Party – Lynn Perrin: 8,333 votes, 20.2%

Conservative Party – Brad Vis: 17,962 votes, 43.6%

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RELATED: Liberals projected to win most seats in 2021 federal election

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